Email: | Phone: 01753 531649

Email: | Phone: 01753 531649

Rob Anderson was born in Britwell, grew up on the Britwell estate, attended local schools, and continues to live locally with his family in Dove House Crescent.

Rob has been a Slough Councillor since 1997, and has represented Britwell ward since 2012. As your Councillor, Rob has helped deliver the regeneration of Britwell, including the new community centre on Wentworth Avenue, the new Scouts and Guides headquarters, as well as the new shops and homes which will open later this year.


Email: | Phone: 07856 723037

Email: | Phone: 07856 723037

Cllr Martin Carter has been one of your Britwell Councillors since 2011; representing the new Britwell & Northborough ward since 2014. Martin also serves as a Britwell Parish Councillor. He has lived in Slough for 16 years.

Martin is married with a grown-up family and runs his own small business repairing computers. As your Councillor, Martin has campaigned for parking improvements, better upkeep of open spaces and on community safety issues. He has also helped involve residents in the regeneration of Britwell, and helped secure the new shops at Kennedy Park and the new skate Park and MUGA at Monksfield Way Recreation Ground.

Martin is Lead Member for Leisure Services on the Council, and has worked hard to get Slough Town Football Club the site for their new ground in Slough, which opens in Autumn this year.


Email: | Phone: 07832 345887

Email: | Phone: 07832 345887

Pavitar Mann has lived in Britwell for over 20 years in Travis Court and has been one of your
Britwell Councillors for the past 4 years. Pavitar attended school in Slough before completing her
degree in Politics and Law.

Pavitar is passionate about education, and is currently the Council’s Lead Member for Children & Young People. She supports several charities and community groups locally.

Pav has also played an active role in the regeneration of Britwell.